
Made in the USAA Certificate of Origin is a document used in international trade. It is a printed form, completed by the exporter or its agent and certified by an issuing body, attesting that the goods in a particular export shipment have been wholly produced, manufactured or processed in a particular country. The shipment details listed on the Certificate of Origin are often dependent on trade agreements or the destination country’s regulations.

The 1923 Geneva Convention named Chambers of Commerce the official body to issue, sign, and stamp Certificates of Origin worldwide.

For additional resources on exporting and international trade, please visit Export.gov – a web portal managed by the International Trade Association, U.S. Department of Commerce.


Obtaining a Chamber of Commerce Signature and Stamp on a Certificate of Origin from the Tuscarawas County Chamber of Commerce

The Tuscarawas County Chamber of Commerce is able to assist our members with these documents at no charge.

We encourage members to call us at 330-343-4474 or email us at [email protected] to set an appointment regarding Certificates of Origin. This will ensure that the proper chamber staff members can be present to assist and sign the documents without unnecessary delays.